Wednesday, October 15, 2008

It's a Pink Pink Day & by the way could the person who invented flannelet shirts please stand up.....

Beautiful ribbon, rick rack & frill all in yummy pink, bought while I was away!
Gorgeous pressie from Taska for Mothers Day. Love the Crystal knob on top! My favourite cup & saucer.
Love this Lady, just so very Shabby Chic!
My Mum & Dad gave me this pretty shoe a few years ago.

My first ever Magnolia flower, have had the tree for years but took until this year to bloom.
Pink & White Hippyastranes in my front garden.
I love this David Austin rose *Mary Rose* one of many in my front garden.
Not a good photo but a sweet napkin holder I bought while away.
Wow, first time I had seen pale pink cutlery. Hubby thought I was mad cause I went nuts over it. Oh well!

Have decided today is my Pink Day, had so many more things to show but this lot has probably bored you guys enough.

Ok so here is the deal, a few years ago my Mum & Dad bought Hubbie some flannelet shirts for work (he is a brickie or as he calls himself *Artist in burnt clay*). You would have thought he had secretly put these at the top of his wish list, as Hubby thought they were the best thing since sliced bread. I honestly did not take much notice of these tartan looking things until the following winter when they were worn every day, day in day out. Now is where I come into the picture, the little woman in doors, yeah right! who has to wash & shock horror IRON these now most hideous, despised things in my life! Fast forward a couple of years & the bane of my life were starting to well fall apart (yippee says her indoors) time to put the *poor* things out of their misery! Hubby of course was quite devastated & I'm sure even started plotting with my folks to somehow smuggle some more into *My Pink & Cream Cottage*, over my dead body, those things had been BANNED from ever crossing the threshold again. So a few years went past with the odd joke from Mum & Dad about purchasing some more of the loathsome items! I am actually cringing as I type this!, & when they saw the horrified look on my face, not to mention the twitch on my face, both would just crackup laughing. Last winter I noticed a red & black shirt hanging in Hubbies wardrobe that I had not seen before. Well you can imagine the scene that followed - where DID this @#%$%## come from, it is NOT staying, blah blah, blah. Ok so I have to admit Hubby won out on this one, but we did compromise, I just choose to ignore the beasty completely, I do NOT iron this one. Now the reason I want this person to stand up & admit inventing the most hideous thing in history is what did I find in my DAUGHTERS room during winter, pretty pink items perhaps? dream on, not 1 but 2 of the banned items. Now come on, I ask you is someone trying to torture me out there, because as I swore a oath never to iron another one of these, Taska now walks around in her wrinkled shirt & not a wrinkle ever gets out of my front door, no way hozay!

Well there you have it, all I can say is thank goodness Spring is here yes, no flanno's for awhile.

Hope your day is kind to you

Lyn xoxoxo


A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

Lovely little pink goodies...
I like the crystal knob on top too

Anonymous said...

I still like those check flannel shirts. Guess who. Margaret

Anonymous said...

Thought that was what He wanted for Christmas so sorry too late

Sandra Evertson said...

Such beautiful flowers!

S said...

Loving your flowers...very pretty!

I hope your foot is on the mend...mine is feeling much better now and I am getting around without looking a little silly lol.


My Pink & Cream Cottage said...

Hey Mum,
I yeah YOU know how much I LOVE them!!!! Forgot to tell you sweety anything with checks arriving will be sent BACK to sender!
Love you heaps


Lindi said...

It would be sooo sad if the flennelette shirts ended up in the wash, accidently of course, with a runny red dye item!

Gail McCormack said...

I'm hanging my head in shame Lyn, I own a few flannelet shirts, I love them when I'm painting!! I don't iron mine, my hubby and son both being brickies (hubby ex brickie now) also loved the flannelet uniform, although I've noticed my son wears the luminous green safety shirts now...maybe the flanny's going out of fashion??
I didn't realise you lived in Coff's Harbour, my brother has holiday units in Scotts Head (just South of you) we are planning that very destination for our first trip!!
That was a long comment
Loved your goodies

The Pink Poodle said...

dont think i have had flanelette goodies!! although I must say i have thought about it re they seem to feel very nice!! my dad sleeps in that is something..
lovely flowers though!!
really NOTHING wrong with a good bit of OLD flanelette to wash the car with..clean windows!
xx andrea

Kingswood Food and Craft Market said...

ohmygosh sweetie where i live its a must to own a flanny! LOL. I personally DONT own one but geez i had a good laugh at your post about them!
Now a pink checked flanny would be good.


ohmygosh i had to go back then and check all that coz i forgot the L in flanny...i wanted a pink checked 'fanny' apparantly!! OOOPS!!