Ok so I really do not what is going on here but I like Kathryn at http://ourshabbycottage.blogspot.com/ cannot seem to get back into my routine. I'm kinda thinking here that maybe it has something to do with the state of my teensy weensy sewing come computer room. It has always been a real squash for me in this room but seen as our home is a tad on the small size I consider myself very lucky to have this room & I have spent many an hour happily sewing away to my hearts content. It like my sons room (couple of posts ago) has turned into a tip as I have pulled out fabric after fabric & just sat & looked at it & thought to myself *I have NO idea what to do with you*, it seems the fabric no longer *specks* to me the way it use to do! If I am really honest here I cannot stand the colour of the walls, I painted this room a few years ago this yucky yellow (as I did the bathroom) to *brighten* up the room but I have never been a yellow person so am thinking it is time I just pulled everything out (although that would mean not having my computer for a few days, god forbid!) & painting it my calming cream, what to do!
Today I had planned on cleaning this room up but my heart just is not in it, I have found since my application was *rejected* for the job I have always wanted, my heart does not seem to be in anything, its as if I have lost all confidence in myself, & I keep thinking what if I make all these *things* to list on ebay & they do not sell, I bash myself around too much & think I am not *good enough*! So I guess I am thinking what does not happen will not hurt me huh!
2009 is proving to be a very difficult year for me, too much self doubt, too much putting off until tomorrow, creative juices lost (if your out there PLEASE come home) & just feeling very unsettled, I no longer know what I want anymore!
Ok so here's the deal I do know I have to do something with this room, so I think this week will be spent packing it all up & repainting, I think colours set your moods & I know this one is not doing me any favours, there yah go have finally decided on something!
Before I go I would really like to mention a post on a lovely Ladies blog Tammy at http://forastitchinthyme.blogspot.com/. Tammy wrote a beautiful post about her Mum & I have to say it reduced me to tears. It really reinforced in me just how lucky I was growing up, pop over & have a read, leave a comment to this truly beautiful soul.
Hope you all had a lovely weekend & to the lovely Ladies down in Victoria my heart goes out to you all who's family have lost their homes.
Oh & one more thing, my daughter Taska has been reading all the comments that were left for her for her 16th birthday & wishes to thank everyone who wished her a Happy Birthday, she was truly overwhelmed.