I think you guys all know I decided 2009 was going to be a good year for me... sadly it has not turned out that way. I have already been to two funerals so far the third was back home in New Zealand & sadly I couldn't make the journey over. I had known Doug for over 30 years & to me he was one of the few remaining gentlemen left on this earth. I didn't manage to catch up with him when I went home in March, the last time I saw him was in January last year & as we were saying our farewells with the usual kiss & cuddle I knew in my heart it would be the last time I saw him. I miss this man & find it very hard to believe I wont ever see that beautiful gentle man again, he really was much loved. The other very special gentleman in my life... my dad had a heart attack two days after I had arrived in New Zealand & the week before my mum had had another cancer scare only to prove to me yet again how precious family is & not to take it for granted. I think it is very true that as we get older the tables turn, the kids really do worry about their parents in the same way they worried about us when we were young.
A few months ago we found out a very close friend of ours had a tumor on one of his kidneys, the doctors seem to be at a loss as to how to treat this as it is a very rare place for a tumor to develop! At the age of 40 this to me is very cruel he still has so much living to do. So as if all this wasn't bad enough a very close friend of mine has been diagnosed with melanoma in her face which the doctors suspect has been there for 20 years or more & the guy who owns the corner shop down the road from us - who has become a friend over the last few years- went into hospital with stomach pains & came out with the knowledge his 45 year old body is completely riddled with cancer. So now I am left thinking what on earth happened to 2009 being a good year.... surely it cannot get any worse.......
Hi Lyn
Yes I'm hearing you loud and clear - what to do though?...hard isn't- it seems if you dwell too much it makes you morbid...but then if you skim over things it makes you uncaring and hiding your head in the sand
...I surely do care and some of your mentioned situations are close to home for me - so all I can say is they are all in my thoughts and prayers
ps sorry you had been unwell last weekend - sorry to we couldn't get up to see her Exhibiton, it's on for another three weeks though - you never know we may make it. Apparantely there was a really bad accident the Friday night of her opening on the Hwy and she was late for her own Exhibition Opening
Dear Lyn,
I always turn to the Giver of Life when things don't go well in my life...
Last Winter things were terrible. I live smack in the middle of the USA and twice we had to drive to California (west coast of USA) for family issues. My brother ended up losing a kidney to cancer (unexpected & wouldn't have known about if not for pains from Kidney Stones)...my gradmother fell very ill on the same visit. Steve and I returned back home to Oklahoma (we drove) only for my grandmother to pass 10 days later. We ended up having to fly back...all this was around Thanksgiving USA and Christmas.
I was so tired and sad and on top of all of that lost my selling season due to so much travel. I was overwhelmed and exhausted...and grieving...
When January came I made a promise to myself to begin doing some things I'd put off and to rejoice in having had such a wonderful grandmother for almost 50 years (she was 91 and I was turning 50)and a brother who was on the mend. I was determined to restart my website and begin my Blog. Both HUGE goals for me.
I promised myself to find a way to blend my creativity with those I have deeply loved and it has helped to heal some of the hurt away. I know I will see my Grammy in heaven one day and knowing my bro was saved from a sure to be early death gives me cause to praise.
I knew in my heart you were struggling. I could tell. Know we are always here and I promise to lift you up to the Most High!
Praing for you as you navigate through the storms of life...
Althought the hardships of loss keep us wanting for more, the memories they leave us are tools for carrying on in their name. I went through a period like this with loss and it's devasting on so many levels. Yet, finding God's strong hand infused with my memories, I managed through.
Prayers, hugs and blessings to you.
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